The NHS Estates Optimisation Puzzle: Cost vs. Savings?

The NHS Estates Optimisation Puzzle: Cost vs. Savings?

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 12:05 PM to 12:25 PM · 20 min. (Europe/London)
Integrated Care Forum
Case Study


In this session, we will share best practices on how we have optimised the Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust’s (CLCH) estate to achieve savings and operational improvements using smart buildings and data. The NHS faces increasing financial and demand challenges while being required to consistently improve patient safety and care. Maintaining and improving estates and facilities, many of which require significant and costly refurbishment or reconfiguration to remain safe and suitable for modern patient care, presents an opportunity to use technology to be “smarter” about how we measure, monitor, and enhance the human experience within our buildings.

During this case study session, we will discuss:

  • The challenges in developing property and estate transformation strategies within a complex and multi-use building network.
  • How a clear asset optimisation strategy has supported the clinical strategy for CLCH.
  • The difficulties and opportunities encountered throughout the different stages of the programme.
  • The financial savings and other benefits to the Trust, linked to patient safety and experience.

Join us to discover new ways of optimising estates, decarbonising buildings, and improving efficiencies and financial savings to support short-, medium-, and long-term sustainability.

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