Product Demo Zone: Appian

Product Demo Zone: Appian

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM · 15 min. (Europe/London)
Product Demo Zone


Product Demo Zone: Optimise patient discharge with 'My Onward Care'

My Onward Care, developed by NHS SCW on the Appian Platform, is a digital solution that enables the smooth, timely, and safe discharge of patients from acute and community care. It ensures the right support is in place to meet patients’ continuing onward care needs.

The solution helps join up the delivery of services, providing clarity on the true causes of delays in discharge and enabling optimisation of capacity within the system.

With multi-disciplinary teams collaborating, the care provision for patients is extended across health and care systems. The solution also meets the needs of families and carers through automated digital communications.

AppianAppian - C54Harness the power of low-code automation to improve care coordination, care delivery, and patient outcomes. With Appian’s industry-leading AI process automation platform, healthcare organisations can quickly unify patient information on a single platform, automate disjointed workflows, and create tailored experiences. You can use the Appian platform to: Personalise the patient journey: put patients at the centre of the care continuum and help clinicians effectively handle ongoing health and care management. Streamline patient interactions: Appian eliminates redundant, manual tasks, enabling staff to work more efficiently and focus on patient care. Streamlined workflows allow healthcare organisations to provide timely follow-up and referral scheduling for faster, more efficient care. Improve workforce management: Using process automation and AI, Appian streamlines employee onboarding, staff transfers, scheduling and supporting resources. Automate risk and compliance management: Appian automatically compiles and updates compliance data and generates reports such as SitReps, eliminating manual reporting tasks. Improve processes enterprise-wide: Appian provides a powerful set of capabilities to transform service delivery with minimal disruption to your existing systems. Appian’s data fabric creates a virtual database that connects thousands of sources, breaking down silos and unifying information across the organisation into a single view. More than 200 government organisations worldwide leverage Appian to modernise mission-critical systems and applications. Connect with our team to learn how we can help your organisation.

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