NHS Shared Business Services


"Our Digital and IT Procurement Solutions Team will be on hand to discuss their extensive range of digital and IT framework agreements, along with our Digital Transformation for Better Patient Outcomes Combined Framework Agreement Solution, which is designed to help the NHS embrace digital transformation per the Lord Darzi report.

Digital Healthcare Framework Agreements

These are most commonly used by NHS or social care organisations across all healthcare settings – primary, secondary, community & social care, including local authorities. Technology solutions procured are patient facing and leverage data and technology to improve patient care.

Digital Workforce & IT Transformation Framework Agreements

Providing solutions that help accelerate the achievement of digitalisation of the NHS and wider healthcare system whilst reducing the impact and administrative load, by freeing up clinical personnel to be more focused on patient care. They can enhance and augment existing in-house IT and digital capabilities and skills.

Digital Workplace Framework Agreements

These provide tools and resources for NHS employees and clinical staff but are also heavily used by the wider healthcare system and public sector organisations across the UK. These deliver the associated infrastructure to underpin a digital transformation journey.

Digital Transformation for Better Patient Outcomes

The solution focuses on the right technology to support quicker diagnosis and discharge with remote monitoring, and deliver joined-up, digital-first patient services. Digital transformation throughout the patient journey is crucial to improving patient outcomes."

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