AI to tackle fraud and error: silver bullet or fool’s gold?

AI to tackle fraud and error: silver bullet or fool’s gold?

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 11:55 AM to 12:40 PM · 45 min. (Europe/London)
Full Agenda Counter Fraud 2025Seminar Sessions


The panel will discuss the use of AI in government fraud reduction asking.

  • The role AI should play in helping the government fight fraud
  • Where AI can be most helpful and the different types - GenAI/Machine Learning/Natural Language Processing etc
  • Should AI focus just on the detection of fraud or on the investigation and prevention steps needed as well?
  • What kind and scale of benefits can be achieved?
  • What are the key challenges to using AI in this way and achieving these kinds of benefits? (Ethical challenges (bias/privacy etc.)
  • How significant do you think these challenges are and how can we best overcome them?
  • What approach should the government take to developing the required technology (build versus buy) etc.?

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